Repairs: On your way again in no time!

Our staff are dedicated to getting problems solved as quickly as possible. Making sure that you can sail again in no time, gives us satisfaction.

Direct contact

At YES, we work with short communication lines. If you have a problem, you'll have someone on the line almost immediately who can help you. In consultation with you, our experienced staff will try to establish precisely and as quickly as possible what the problem is. A plan of action is then immediately agreed with you.

Stocks and fast delivery

In YES's warehouses, most parts are already in stock. This enables us to act quickly. In some rare cases, there are parts which have to be ordered, but even then, we're almost always able to supply them within 24 hours.

Immediate solutions

Our engineers are always sent to you well prepared, with the right equipment and parts and with a clear objective. Once on board, the engineer sets to work. We're proud of the fact that in 80% of all repairs, we're able to solve everything, first time on board.

If anything goes wrong

Even at YES, it's not always a success story. Despite the guaranteed quality of products and diverse tests, it sometimes goes wrong. We can't stand it if that happens. In these cases, you can expect thorough action from us. We immediately send an engineer again so that the problem can be solved. Pleasing the customer, despite problems, gives us satisfaction.

Click on the column on the right-hand side of the picture to get an impression of the varied work of one of our maintenance engineers.

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